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UPDATED: Coal Ash Covers Trenton, Advocates Speak Out

Ash released from the Trenton Channel Plant was said, by officials from Clean Energy Now, to contain carcinogens and other harmful pollutants.

Officials from Clean Energy Now said a film of residue released by the Trenton Channel Power Plant and spread across the Trenton community Wednesday can cause cancer and other health problems.

Ash released from the coal-burning plant was said to contain carcinogens like arsenic and hexavalent chromium, and other harmful pollutants like lead and mercury, according to a Clean Energy Now release.

Trenton residents reported finding their cars, houses, yards and personal property covered in a thin layer of black soot.

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Randi Berris, media relations for DTE Energy, said the ash released was nonhazardous.

"Just like dirt in your backyard, the ash contains many elements, but it's the quantity and concentration of exposure that can potentially cause problems," Berris said. "The concentration and exposure of this release does not cause those problems."

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Advocates like Clean Energy Now and The Sierra Club argue coal-burning plants can be dangerous to people living in surrounding areas and encourage utility companies like DTE Energy to switch to clean and renewable energy.

“Its alarming Michigan residents are waking up to a film of coal ash covering their cars, lawns and homes,” Susan Harley, of Clean Water Action, said in the release. “Even more alarming is the fact that there is a potential impact on Michigan resident’s health from all of the power plants and ash storage sites across the state. Burning coal creates a byproduct that is dangerous to public health, and contains cancer-causing heavy metals and other contaminants. If we replace aging coal plants with clean energy sources, then we protect our health, the environment, and economy.”

Clean Energy Now is a Clean Energy Now is a collaboration of groups in Michigan working to keep new, dirty and expensive coal plants out of MI and move our state towards a clean energy future, according to

*This article was updated at 12:43 p.m.

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